Monday, November 7, 2011

Prescription Drugs for Pattern Baldness

Hair loss is a common problem among many men. While there are many treatments that can control hair loss, there isn’t a cure yet for baldness. However, it is wise for you to control hair loss and maintain whatever hair you have with effective hair loss treatments till a cure is developed. I will list down a few such treatments that you can use to control and possibly reverse your hair loss.

For many individuals, the beginning of early baldness or excessive hair loss represents a stressful development that causes untold anxiety and despair.
There are numerous kinds of useful baldness treatments they could benefit from, depending on the nature of their baldness.

At present, basically two prescription drugs are actually approved as baldness treatment procedures by the FDA standards. They’re minoxidil and finasteride. A number of other meds have shown to be successful for combating hair loss, dutasteride in particular, but unfortunately haven’t been permitted by FDA for this particular application.

Finasteride was basically made to minimize enlarged prostate; later, a small dosage variety had been approved for the treatment of hair loss in adult males. The product fights the cause of hair loss by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase from converting testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Dihydrotestosterone stands out as the major factor in baldness, restricting hair growth by sixty-six per cent; hence, finasteride has a significant impact on dealing with DHT.

Studies have shown that 83% of adult men (test subjects) were actually able to retain their hair count and 64% attained regrowth by the end of a two-year span. It needs to be mentioned that finasteride is approved for use by males strictly as the drug could have truly serious consequences on unborn male babies. Adult females should only look into applying this drug under the direction of a medical physician.

Dutasteride is a medicinal drug used in treating prostate-related ailments, and while not yet authorized for the treatment of hair loss, it definitely does present interesting options. It does the job in a similar fashion as finasteride but reduces total dihydrotestosterone production by over 93%. As in the way it is with finasteride, women must discuss with their physician about using dutasteride.

Minoxidil is the next hair loss drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration as well as being the sole hair loss drug permitted for women. Put on topically, its major benefit is its capability to promote regrowth, consequently reversing the effects of male pattern baldness. Many individuals combine the use of minoxidil with some other hair loss treatment options such as herbal hair loss remedies to quickly attain maximum results, but many others experience satisfactory results applying minoxidil alone.

A number of experiments indicate that certain remedies promote new hair growth but not one of them have, until now, been approved by the FDA. This could be partly because of the high costs involved in carrying out studies to confirm that these treatments are helpful for the purpose of endorsing them as hair loss treatments. Many people and even medical professionals advise making use of selected non-drug remedies as a substitute or complement to drug therapy.

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